If the Son Sets You Free
by Jeremy McKeen on October 21st, 2022
In one of my favorite stories, The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantes tries his hardest to escape from prison but all his plans and efforts fail. Yet, something finally happens that sets Edmond free. Faria, a priest and innocent cellmate who befriended Edmond, suddenly dies and the prison guards put the priest’s dead body in a sack and sow it up to be taken away. Read More
There is a Light!
by Jeremy McKeen on September 16th, 2022
"For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is a light...”Proverbs 6:23a It's that time of year again. You know, when it gets dark outside in the afternoon!! Ok, it's not that bad, but truthfully, the dark early evenings during the fall and winter months are at the top of my list of things I had a tortuous time readjusting to in our move back to New England. I'm not there yet. I'm still trying... Read More
A Contentment Powered Life
by Kevin Baird on September 7th, 2022
Are you content? Most of us aren’t. Most of us have goals, bucket lists, and treasures we want to achieve or acquire. This is a part of how we are made, to imagine, set goals, and bring about a vibrant exciting future. It can also be a sinful preoccupation pulling us away from seeing gifts and blessings to be cherished. Read More
Smiling at the Future
by Jeremy McKeen on September 6th, 2022
I've got to admit, early on in my spiritual journey (and immaturity), I used to wonder if and how I was supposed to apply the last chapter of proverbs to my life when so much of it specifically describes the characteristics of an industrious and virtuous woman. Read More
Corrective Lens
by Kevin Baird on August 11th, 2022
When I was four years old, I was screened for pre-school and they recommended I get my eyes checked. This led to glasses and a whole new world. Prior to wearing glasses, I was able to function, but with corrective lenses, I was able to navigate, appreciate, and excel in areas that had previously been fuzzy and obscured. Read More
5 Imperatives Related to Our Peace
by Kevin Baird on August 10th, 2022
How often have you lacked peace in your life? Unresolved conflict, overwhelming choices, and negative circumstances all contribute to the unsettling of our hearts.
Paul’s external experience was anything but peaceful, and the Philippians faced many things that threatened their tranquility, but Paul uses 5 emphatic imperatives to impress upon the Philippians the importance of trusting the Lord to provide peace in their hearts and peace with one another. Read More
Out of the Muck
by Kevin Baird on August 3rd, 2022
Delight in God’s word sounds like something every Christian wants. We want to understand, grow and apply God’s word to the relationships and decisions of our life. Yet our busyness, laziness, and all the other “ness’s” cause our delight to flutter away, and instead of our souls being watered by God’s truth, we are blown around like a dead autumn leaf. Read More
Working Together
by Kevin Baird on July 29th, 2022
Have you tried to lift something heavy with other people without communicating? You lift and they don’t. It is very frustrating to expend so much energy for no good purpose. Little can be accomplished when we don’t work together or work at cross purposes. Read More
Stand Firm
by Kevin Baird on July 28th, 2022
As Paul begins wrapping up his letter to the Philippians, we see his genuine love and care for them and are reminded of how willing he was to do whatever was needed for them to grow and be strengthened in their faith (Philippians 1:24-26). Read More
Certain Citizenship
by Kevin Baird on July 27th, 2022
Do you have a hard time orienting your life in the present to the realities promised by God?
Even though we are able to imagine future outcomes, we are often overwhelmed by besetting issues and problems. And in many ways dealing with what is in front of us is a healthy way to live. Didn’t Jesus say, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”(Matthew 6:34)? Read More
Glory Confusion
by Kevin Baird on July 26th, 2022
Sometimes people have misplaced priorities and glorify the wrong things. The priorities of Christ are completely different from the priorities of most humans. Paul’s own life was an example. He pursued religious performance as his path to success but considers it all as rubbish compared with knowing Christ. Christ is his delight and it is in knowing him that he finds true glory. Read More
Our Emotional Health
by Jeremy McKeen on July 25th, 2022
Emotions are an important part of being human. The question we run into is how should we understand our emotions and handle them in a healthy way? We don’t want to play on the emotions or downplay the emotions. We don’t want to make the emotions all-important, but we don’t want to make them unimportant either. Read More