The "then"

complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
Philippians 2:2

What is Christian unity? It is not a feeling or always agreeing about everything, rather it is an understanding and steadfast commitment to believing the gospel and living out its ramifications in our life together as the church.

The expected outcome of their shared identity with Christ, his love, and grace, fulfilling Paul’s shared joy in fellowship with the Philippians, is a unity rooted in these shared experiences. This unity is the desired result or “then” of the conditional “if” statements in 2:1.

And what are they unified around?
Living to “let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ”(1:27).

This is not something we do on our own, but we do it together. Twice he says he is concerned that we have the same mind, and adds that we would be in full accord. Paul’s commitment to the gospel and to their work with him in the gospel brings him joy and he is stressing that this shared commitment and shared unity of purpose around the gospel will only increase his joy.

For our church, we can ask a few questions.
  • Have I committed myself to others in our church in this way?
  • Do people know me well enough to support and help me to live the ramifications of the good news about Jesus in all the relationships of my life?
  • Do I know some in our church in a way where I can support and help them live the ramifications of the good news about Jesus in all the relationships of their life?
  • Is there any concern, big or little, that is keeping me from a Christian unity in our church and what could I do to address this concern?

The beautiful divine communion you share is the model we pursue as your people. We thank you that in Jesus we are one body. We confess that we don’t always live with this priority in our hearts. Help us to address the concerns that divide us. Help us, by your Spirit, to address them in a way that honors you, loves our brothers and sisters, and builds the unity of your church around the truths of the gospel. We thank you for the peace this brings.
In Christ’s name, Amen

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