Handling Discouragement

“But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it…Do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them.”
Numbers 13:30, 14:9
It's very easy to become discouraged in life. It’s easy to allow the circumstances of life to sap our drive and sense of courage to face the challenges ahead, make the right decision, or to not think that a situation is hopeless. How do we handle this?

In our passage in Numbers, when the twelve spies came back from spying out the land, ten of them brought back a discouraging report but two of them, Joshua and Caleb, brought back an encouraging report. But why the two types of reports? What made the difference? The disappointing facts were the same for all twelve men. The giants and walls were the same size. The facts were exactly the same but Joshua and Caleb’s conclusion to those facts was different. Why?

Joshua and Caleb were disappointed but not discouraged because they knew with God's help they could overcome. What made the difference? It was including the power and promises of God in the equation. There was an old minister who said it this way - “Joshua and Caleb concluded differently because they included differently.” They included God and his promises into the equation.

Remember today that our disappointments don't have to become discouragements when God is factored in. True courage doesn't come from within, it comes from above. It comes from remembering that in Christ, God is always on our side and God is able. God is able to sustain you, strengthen you, and help you in whatever situation you may be facing or will face ahead. Let’s put all our disappointments today in the light of God’s unchanging promises and believe.

Dear God, I believe; help my unbelief. Forgive me for seeing the size of the walls and not the size of your promises. Forgive me for seeing the greatness of my obstacles and not the greatness of your strength and willingness to help. I turn to you today and trust that you will make a way. Amen.
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