Restful Glory

The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth
 from the rising of the sun to where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.
Psalm 50:1-2

I think this morning was perfect. The rain came last night and we opened our windows to let in the fresh air. As I woke, the sun played lightly on my cheek and I could hear the wind gently blowing in the trees around my house. The temperature was cool, but not cold, and everything smelled fresh and new.
Opening the windows connected me to the outside world, the natural world, created by God. It made me think of God’s power, beauty, and glory.

Often when we think of glory it is a radiance that overpowers, and of course there is an intensity to the holiness and the majesty of God’s presence, but there is also a glory that is simpler, quieter, and constant.

In this Psalm, God summons the sun across its daily travels and in this and all of creation we can see God’s sustaining power. The constancy of the rhythms of life often fade into the background of our consciousness and cause us to miss how much we rely on God, but when we notice, it is a revelation.

Get outside this week.  Smell, listen, touch, and taste the world God has made. Slow down. Rest in the beauty of his love and constancy that are gifts to awaken and enlighten our souls to God's glory touching all the areas of our life.

Mighty One,
We worship you for your artfulness. We praise you for the simple beauty and the incredible grandeur of your creation. Help us to rest in your sustaining power and to tell of your perfect beauty. Amen

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