- Luke 18:16


Rejoice in God
Grow in the Gospel
Point children to Jesus

Provide a safe space for children, foster a community of joy and partner with parents and caregivers to guide children to encounter God and grow in the Gospel.

Vacation Bible School 2025
With our 2024 Daniel VBS behind us we look forward to next year. VBS is a week long summer program for children from Pre K to Grade 5. In 2025, we will be meeting Moses as he leads (with God's direction) his fellow Israelites out of Egypt. VBS is the week of July 14-18 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Save-the-date now so you can join us in the summer!
Volunteer in Children's Ministry
At FCCH we have many opportunities for children so we're looking for your help.
Currently, we are in need of an assistant teacher in our Kindergarten-First grade Sunday School class. We are also looking for volunteers to serve in Little People’s Church and the Nursery during both worship services. Please consider volunteering to serve our children in this important way. To fill our immediate need as Assistant Sunday School teacher email our Children's Ministry Director, Chrysa Bliati.
All volunteers complete a background check to work with our children.
For more information, please contact Children's Ministry Director, Chrysa Bliati

Sunday School Classes

 During the fall, winter and spring we offer creative and enriching classes for children nursery through 5th grade during the Sunday School hour (9:45am - 10:45am).
We are asking parents to complete the online form for their child(ren) in advance. Thank you!

 8:30 AM Nursery 

 8:30 AM Little People's Church (LPC)

 11:00 AM Nursery 

NURSERY: We love to care for our little ones!  The crawler and toddler nursery rooms will be staffed for infants and toddlers
during the 8:30 am worship service.
Volunteers are needed!
LPC: This ministry is for kids from age 4 years through Grade 1 following the Children's Message at the 8:30 am worship service.
Come for a Bible story, table activities and free play.
Volunteers are needed!
NURSERY: We love to care for our little ones!  The crawler and toddler nursery rooms will be staffed for infants and toddlers
during the 11:00 am worship service.
Volunteers are needed!

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