Upside Down

And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Philippians 2:8

G. K. Chesterton wrote of Jesus’s birth, “There is in that alone the touch of a revolution, as of the world turned upside down.”

But this was only the first step in the humbling, because what was to come was a humiliation. The one who is God from everlasting to everlasting, took the form of a human, submitting to the ultimate degradation and judgment reserved for a slave.
G.W. Hansen sums up this upside down world, “take us down, down, down to the deepest darkest hellhole in human history to see the horrific torture, unspeakable abuse, and bloody execution of a slave on a cross.”

We would never expect it. We would not suggest it as a strategy for success. It would not be featured on the “How I Built This” podcast, but Jesus obeyed the will of his Father even to the point of death. This downgrade from Deity to dog, for the sake of others, established a kingdom like no other.

Be challenged by this scripture, be awed by your Savior's love, and be guided by the Holy Spirit to put his example of sacrifice into practice each and every day so that the world will be turned upside down with the love of Christ!

As we meditate on the humiliation of Jesus, we know that he did it with love in his heart for each of us who call on his name. Help us to love each other as Christ loves us. Help us to start in the simple gestures, the small sacrifices, and diligent attention to our speech. We ask that our witness as your people would grow day by day until Jesus returns in glory.

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