Stand Firm

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.
Philippians 4:1

As Paul begins wrapping up his letter to the Philippians, we see his genuine love and care for them and are reminded of how willing he was to do whatever was needed for them to grow and be strengthened in their faith (Philippians 1:24-26).

He reminds them of one thing and that is “Stand Firm”. This is a return to what he already said in 1:27, where he wanted them to be unified as a church in their conduct and belief in the gospel. Here, he reminds them that standing firm in the Lord enables them to resist those who would lead them on a false path instead of toward their destiny with Christ in heaven.

This word of exhortation is for us as well. When we face decisions on how to act, when we have a choice about our attitudes, or when others are focusing their attention on things that are not in alignment with Jesus’ purposes we must stand firm. In this, we bring joy and encouragement to those who have gone before us and strengthen the family of God. Let’s encourage one another not to yield to the pressures of ungodly conduct and character and instead stand firm for the love, truth, and hope of Jesus’ way.

Thank you for sending Jesus to make all things new. We look forward to eternal life with you, where there is no more sorrow, pain, sin, or suffering. Help us to stand firm in our faith and trust in what you have accomplished. Let our lives reflect the beauty of your work in us and our certain hope yet to be received. We love you and thank you for the gift of one another as we do not have to stand alone, but stand together with You.
In Christ’s name, Amen

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