For You and For Christ Jesus

Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again.
Philippians 1:25-26

Children know very little of their parents fussing, sacrifice, thinking, and concern for them while they grow up. It is only later, when they are responsible in a similar way that they begin to understand what was hidden from them.

Paul is like a loving parent for the Philippians. He is convinced that he will continue to function in this role and his goal is to help them progress in their faith. He wants his teaching and his example to help them to more joyfully commit to trusting the Lord.
Of course, the Philippians will be delighted to have this care and input from their spiritual Father, Paul. Paul’s imminent release from prison and the opportunity to be with them leads to an even greater goal and that is more praise of Jesus and the continued spread of the message of salvation.

Do we think of our progress in faith this way? Are we seeking to meet together, to study God’s word, to encourage each other so that we grow and more glory is directed toward Jesus? This is one of the main goals and delights of our life together as the church.

Our Good God,
Shape us into a people of faith and joy in knowing you. May our gathering and our encouragement toward one another serve to exalt our attention and praise of you. Help us to celebrate in more vivid and clear ways all that Jesus has done for us and may we always be ready to share this with others.
For the Glory of Christ Jesus, Amen

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