"Fill in the Blanks" Deity

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
Psalm 46:1-3

Many days I live as if God is a “fill in the blanks” deity. I push and strain to do all I can and then miraculously, magically, providentially God honors work and settles the details I did not have time, energy, or resources to finish. A knick of time God.
This is a lie. It is an immature view of God and a proud egotistically view of self. The truth is we need help. We are dependent on God.

He is not the last plank of a bridge over a chasm, but rather the whole bridge. His glory is not in helping with tasks we conceived; rather eternity is the project of His glory we are blessed to join.
We must not give lip service to the greatness of our God.
God is beyond monumental. Which monument made with human hands could adequately describe the breadth of God’s character? God builds empires, nations, and worlds! God sustains all things through the power of his word. Living a life of submission goes against our desires for personal glory, but what is our glory compared to that kind of power? Submitting all portions of our life, dreams, and goals is a continual declaration of dependence.

Help, seems like such a weak word, but acknowledging our everyday need for God, develops an eager and open heart to what God will do in times of joy and in times of sorrow. This enables us to live faithful lives. Seeking God’s help in all things causes us to be helpful, and exhibit real love to others. We become the helpful helped ones and this makes for humble Christians who love each other well and see God rightly.
So leave the “fill in the blank” deity behind and submit every moment to the one true and living God, thankful to be the ones God helps.

Help us to see you rightly and see ourselves rightly as well. Forgive us for our pride and show us our great worth as we depend on you. Grant us mercy to live faithfully as one of your children, striving to be more like you in our character and service to others. Thank you that you are our refuge in all circumstances. We praise you and bless your name, Amen
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