"Christian leadership is the daily art of depending upon Jesus and influencing others to do the same."



Jeff Arthurs

Interim Pastor

Kevin Baird

Lead Pastor of Care & Outreach

Matthew Schuberth

Pastor of Youth & Young Adults

Cece Gough

Executive Director

Sharon Carlson

Women's Ministry Director

Chrysa Bliati

Children's Ministry Director 

Jill VanderWoude

Administrative Assistant

Phil Best

Facilities Manager

Ruth Feins


Linda Coonrod

Financial Secretary

Hana Lee

Music Director

Jay Foss

Sound & Tech Director


The qualified men and women elected to be Elders at FCCH partner with our Full-time Pastoral and Staff team to shepherd the body of Christ. They work to help our church stay true to our beliefs and mission.  Elders protect and promote the purity of our church, represent the interests of the congregation, lead in public worship, and serve as liaisons to our standing committees. Elders conduct membership interviews, exit interviews, and participate in the overall pastoral care of our members. Elders are voted in by the members of our congregation.

ACTIVE ELDERS: Kevin Baird, Vicki Best, Lou Brown, Susan Goodhue, Priscilla Masterson, Sean McDonough, John Rendall.  


The men and women elected to be Deacons at our church serve the church through sympathy and service. Deacons serve the social, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual needs of the congregation. They provide financial assistance for counseling and medical assistance, utilities, and other expenses. Often the practical help offered is financial, made possible by your contributions to the Deacon Fund. This fund is separate from the operating budget of our church and goes directly to assist members of the congregation who find themselves in need. Each Deacon is in charge of a particular ministry of our church (i.e. communion, greeting, etc.). Deacons are voted in by the members of our congregation.

ACTIVE DEACONS:  Jean Ayles, John Clark, Josiah Coffey, Ted Cornell, Darlene Farris, Stephen Jamison, Luke Pekrul, Sarah Seiler, Kathie Sweeney, Sarah Villa, Beth White, Kathy Szatkowski.