A Basic Idea Modeled Perfectly

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:5-7

What sets apart those of us who have been born a second time from the rest of the world?

It is the presence of the Holy Spirit in our regenerated souls which makes it possible to think, live, do, and be like our savior Jesus. Paul instructs the Philippians to live with an attitude of humility and service toward one another so that the gospel will be understood(1:27). His goal is to encourage them and teach them, and the perfect model is Jesus himself.

Jesus, who ever and always is God, willingly poured himself out completely for the sake of humanity. The loving extent of his emptying was to become one of his creatures. A subject to the laws of nature. A slave to the horrors of human life in a fallen world.

We are freed from the sting of these horrors because of Jesus, and it is his way of humility that is the perfect model for our life together. This is the call to service and neighbor love that changes the world and vitalizes our Christian witness.
Let’s prayerfully pursue this knowing, loving, serving together because of Christ.

Our God,
We praise your eternal power and plan. We are in awe that God, in Christ, showed such commitment to humility for our sakes.
Help us to be a humble, serving people and to delight in it. Help us, like Paul, to prefer to see others grow and mature even if it costs us our greatest desires.
We need hearts that desire you above all and so we ask Holy Spirit that you would continue that great work in each of us and all of us. To God be the Glory, Amen



