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New Brothers Fellowship exists to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ into prison, and to serve men upon their release who’ve come to faith in Christ during their incarceration. Hope Mail is a free, monthly subscription service for incarcerated men and women anywhere in the United States. Each mailing is designed to encourage, exhort, and entertain. Sign up below to be part of Hope Mail to the incarcerated.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missionary support is a main component of our service and outreach. We believe our service to the world reflects God’s desire that the local church be the primary means for sending people to proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ. The goal of missions is to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel through evangelism, discipleship, teaching, church planting and community development in a cross-cultural setting both inside and outside the United States.
Click here to see the results of our 2022 FCCH Missions Survey
Click here to see the results of our 2022 FCCH Missions Survey