A Story of God's faithfulness
The 308-year history of our church is a remarkable story of God's faithfulness to his people. Through the years, our church has had its highs and lows, but the rich legacy handed down by its first two pastors—Rev. Samuel Wigglesworth and Rev. Manasseh Cutler, who together served for over one hundred years—remains vibrant to the present. It's an answer to Cutler's prayer from over two hundred years ago -
"May this church see far more glorious days in the century now begun than in that which is just closed; may great additions be made of those that shall be saved—and may it be favored with the presence of Him who will be glorified in the church throughout all ages, world without end."
- Manasseh Cutler
"May this church see far more glorious days in the century now begun than in that which is just closed; may great additions be made of those that shall be saved—and may it be favored with the presence of Him who will be glorified in the church throughout all ages, world without end."
- Manasseh Cutler

Artistic rendering of the first covered wagon to leave for the west
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