Pilgrim’s Pint is a casual and engaging lecture series exploring the curious and candid questions of Christian belief in a modern context. Monthly talks, covering a range of relevant and thought-provoking topics, center around why Christians believe what they believe.

We look forward to a new series beginning in September of 2024.

Pilgrim's Pint Past Events Hosted at Post, South Hamilton, 7:00-8:30 PM

Monday, Feb 19, 2024: Denominations: Why are there so many types of churches?
Rev. Chip Copp, Lanesville Congregational Church
Christianity is full of denominations, groups and subgroups whose total number adds up quickly. All of them have something unique about their identity which was formed over many years, in different places with particular circumstances. But if they all believe the same Bible then how have they developed such different, sometimes antagonistic, views about what it says? Join us on Monday, February 19 as we share a pint with neighbors and listen to Pastor Chip Copp speak on why the Christian religion has so many types of churches.

Monday, March 25, 2024: Friendship is more than a greeting card: The nature of human relationships
Dr. David Horn, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“No man is an island” wrote the 17th century Anglican priest and poet John Donne. But what is it about humans that makes us such a social lot? With reported levels of depression and anxiety on the rise our need for meaningful and communicative relationships has perhaps never been more dire. Join us on Monday, March 25 as we share a drink and hear Dr. David Horn talk on the nature of friendship and what is unique to our capacity for it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024: Darwin In Retrospect: How Christianity and Evolution are getting along 160 years later
Dr. Craig Story, Gordon College Department of Life, Health and Physical Science
Like a new branch on a tree, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution sent the world of science shooting down a whole new path with implications for how we understand our world. But hasn’t Christianity, and religion in general, been at odds with evolution from the beginning? Are they ultimately saying different things? Join us on Wed, April 24 as we share a drink, build community and listen to Dr. Craig Story speak on Darwin’s influence in his day and the continuing relationship between evolutionary science and Christianity today.

Monday, May 13, 2024: How We Talk When We Talk about God: The Use of Metaphor in the Bible
Dr. Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger, Gordon College Professor
In most monotheistic religions, the divine being is understood to be transcendent, beyond human capacities to understand, perceive, or describe. And yet in Christianity, God is thought to be knowable, nameable, even perceivable. What do we do with this impasse? While Christian theology can seem to be full of certainty, when we look deeply at both historical theology and Christian spirituality, we see how important metaphor is for naming and knowing God.

Monday, June 10, 2024: The world according to JRR Tolkien: Where do his stories come from?
Dr. Sean McDonough, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
JRR Tolkien is best known today for his much-loved series The Lord of the Rings. But where did these stories come from? It turns out that the fantasy worlds he created actually have a lot in common with central themes found in the Bible. Join us on Mon, June 10 as Dr. Sean McDonough unpacks the universe of JRR Tolkien, the supernatural themes that underlie his stories and the common threads that run between his fantasy world and our reality.