What’s Your Assignment?

By Pastor Kevin
It has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
Philippians 1:13-14

Paul gives a great example of leadership as he focuses on what God called and equipped him to do. His encouragement to the Philippians is coupled with his disclosure of hardship. You can imagine people thinking his imprisonment would crush him, but Paul’s orders come from a higher source and his imprisonment is an assignment. He shared the gospel with those who were guarding him, those visiting him, and anyone else with whom he came into contact, so that everyone knew he was right where he needed to be. He put his imprisonment into perspective noting that it is, “for Christ”.
Do you see your situation as an assignment from the Lord? Are you prayerfully asking God to use you so that everyone will know you have direct orders from Jesus to share His good news? Does Paul’s perspective and example inspire you, like it did those around Paul, to be more bold and speak the word with out fear?
If your life has been changed by Jesus, God’s Spirit empowers you to face all the situations, and even the hardships, with confidence and purpose. Who has God placed in your life? What is your assignment today?

O God,
We thank you for the gospel that has so changed our lives. We also thank you that because of Jesus we have purpose in our everyday that is meaningful and always draws us back to you. Thank you also for brothers and sisters who inspire us by their faithful witness through all circumstances. Let this encouragement build up our faith so that we can do what you have assigned for us to do, today and everyday.



