Be Aware

For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.
Philippians 3:18

This verse is a contrast. Paul invited the Philippians to mimic him and continue to look at the example of “those who walk according to the example you have in us.” He wanted them to faithfully pursue the way of Jesus, which is a way of service, humility, and even suffering for the truth of the gospel.
Other people Paul references may think they are Christians, but their actions look nothing like Jesus. They are not walking in the way of Paul, which is after all the way of Jesus. Instead, they walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Paul uses strong language and he is obviously sad, even to the point of tears, that their actions reject the way of humility, suffering, and sacrifice modeled by Christ, most supremely at the cross.
Paul knows no other way and is never ashamed of the cross. He calls the Philippians and us to seek this way in all things. As we greet each new day this week, let’s press on in our practice of the way of sacrifice and humility towards others and by so doing, keep the enemies of the cross of Christ at bay.

We want to mimic those who are mimicking you. Help us to have Jesus as our supreme example and fill us with your Holy Spirit to empower our actions. We don’t want to be people who point fingers, but rather people who get our hands dirty to help others. Remind us not only of the good you would have us do but the good news about the cross that we have to share.
In Christ’s name, Amen



