FCCH Classes 

Growing in our Faith Together


adults classes resume:  September 15, 2024

Dispatches from the Front
We forget when reading through the book of Acts and through the Epistles, that we are reading a missionary journal. Good news traveled fast in the first couple of centuries of the Church! We will continue chronicling the Gospel journey for the next twelve weeks as we take a video tour of what God is doing in His people across the globe, from the lands where it all began—Jerusalem, to the smallest islands of the Pacific. Join us as we continue our missionary journey.
Instructor: Dr. David Horn
Location: Chapel

Our Spiritual Growth According to the Gospel of John
If John had written his Gospel today, what would he advise us? We will discuss various topics like: Christ’s eternal existence, the blessings of being a child of God, our spiritual growth and formation, and the blessings of being a human on this side of the cross.
Instructor: Kornilios Lazaridis
Location: Ministry Center Rm. 21

Knowing Your Neighbor 
Christians understand we share the love of Jesus by communicating the message of the Gospel and extending God’s love to all with whom we interact, but it is easy to become insular and comfortable. This class will use a book, The Art of Neighboring, and other resources to help us consider what the Bible teaches about the practice of telling and showing the good news as we welcome people into our lives.
Various Facilitators
Location: Ministry Center Rm. 23/24
For questions related to Adult Classes, please email Pastor Kevin Baird  here.

Children & youth-Classes resume: Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nursery (18 months -3 years old): Through brief lessons and multi-sensory learning, our babies and toddlers experience Jesus’ love and all that He provides for us.

Preschool/PreKindergarten: Preschoolers will journey chronologically through the Bible, discovering friendship with Jesus throughout God’s story. The class will be using Simply Loved curriculum by Group.

Kindergarten through 5th Grade: All of our elementary children will be using The Biggest Story curriculum by Crossway. Using
this curriculum our children will be lead on an exciting journey through the Bible. Our focus this year is to understand the message of the New Testament Gospels.

6th, 7th & 8th Grades: We meet each Sunday to explore the Bible, putting together the one-story plot line of Scripture. This year we will Journey through the New Testament. Join us on Wednesday nights for Middle School Youth Group from 7:00 -8:30 pm as another opportunity to grow together!

High School: We gather each Sunday to study Scripture and to consider some of the leading questions highs schoolers are asking about the Christian faith. Join us on Tuesday nights for High School Youth Group from 7:00 -8:45 pm as another opportunity to grow together!

For more information about children's and youth classes, please email here.