FCCH Classes 

Growing in our Faith Together


Winter term begins January 5, 2025

Training Up in The Way: Parenting Class
“Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.” Parenting can be hard. In an ever-busy culture, where college resumé building begins at Kindergarten and sports, music, and other activities demand more and more of our children’s time, it can be hard to know how to best “train up” our children to be faithful disciples of Jesus. Join Pastor Matt, Chrysa, and others for a 6-week discussion exploring topics about parenting well.
Instructors: Pastor Matt Schuberth, Children’s Ministry Director ,Chrysa Bliati and other contributors.

Theology Mythology?
Join us in looking at some of the objections, and misunderstandings many throw at Christians and some we may be confused by ourselves. We’ll look at positions like: The Bible is pro-slavery. The conquest of Canaan was genocide. Jesus descended into hell. The message of the Gospel is peace on earth and goodwill toward men. The church is called to Christianize social institutions. The apostle Paul misunderstood true same-sex love.
Instructor: Dr. Chris Sherwood

The Holy Spirit in Scripture and Personal Experience: Getting Better Acquainted with the Spirit––Our Counselor and Friend
Join us to discuss questions such as: What does it mean for a Christian––or a local church like FCCH––to be “filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18)? What does this look like, and how does it happen? How are the gifts of the Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 12,14) related to the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Are all the gifts meant for today? What is the “ordinary Supernatural” presence of the Spirit, and how can it enrich our congregational worship, Christian service, prayer, and Bible study? Come and join us as we seek to “keep in step with the Spirit” !
Instructor: Dr. Jack Davis

Meet Our Missionaries both Near and Far
Join various missionaries from around the world and right next door to hear how God is using their ministry and how he is opening the doors for the gospel in their ministry contexts. This is a great follow-up class to our recent “Dispatches from the Front” class, but with a FCCH connection. We will have the opportunity to talk directly to our missionaries.
Hosted by the Missions Committee
For questions related to Adult Classes, please email Pastor Kevin Baird  here.

Children & youth-Classes resume Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nursery (18 months -3 years old): Through brief lessons and multi-sensory learning, our babies and toddlers experience Jesus’ love and all that He provides for us.

Preschool/PreKindergarten: Preschoolers will journey chronologically through the Bible, discovering friendship with Jesus throughout God’s story. The class will be using Simply Loved curriculum by Group.

Kindergarten through 5th Grade: All of our elementary children will be using The Biggest Story curriculum by Crossway. Using
this curriculum our children will be lead on an exciting journey through the Bible. Our focus this year is to understand the message of the New Testament Gospels.

6th, 7th & 8th Grades: We meet each Sunday to explore the Bible, putting together the one-story plot line of Scripture. This year we will Journey through the New Testament. Join us on Wednesday nights for Middle School Youth Group from 7:00 -8:30 pm as another opportunity to grow together!

High School: We gather each Sunday to study Scripture and to consider some of the leading questions highs schoolers are asking about the Christian faith. Join us on Tuesday nights for High School Youth Group from 7:00 -8:45 pm as another opportunity to grow together!

For more information about children's and youth classes, please email here.