Lenten Observances

During Lent we invite you to a time of contemplation and prayer each Wednesday morning focusing on the I am statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John.
Each week we will have identical services (about 20 minutes) at 6:30 am and 6:30 pm in the Chapel.

March 12

I am the Bread of Life 
John 6:35  |  Oli van Ruth

March 19

I am the Light of the World 
John 8:12  |  Liz Arthurs

March 26

I am the Door
John 10:7  |  Matt Schuberth

April 2

I am the Good Shepherd
 John 10:11  |  Domenic Brown

April 9

I am the Vine
John 15:5  |  Cece Gough

HOly Week

Palm Sunday

Join us on Palm Sunday, April 13 for either our 8:30 am or 11:00 am service for Worship. Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs will preach on Luke 19:28-40 - What Kind of Messiah, What Kind of Triumph?

Public Lectures

Many questions surround the death and resurrection of Jesus, and we often don't have a place to comfortably ask our questions. Come and invite your friends and neighbors for one or all of these lectures to join the discussion. 

The Trial of Jesus: Was Jesus Murdered?

Attend our first lecture of our public lecture series on Monday, April 14 at 7:00 pm in the Meetinghouse Chapel. This 40 minute lecture will be lead by Dr. Eckhard Schnabel.

The Death of Jesus: Justice or an Injustice?

Join us on Tuesday, April 15 for the second lecture in our series. We will gather in the Meetinghouse chapel at 7:00 pm to hear and discuss with Dr. Glenn Butner.

The Resurrection of Jesus: Something New?

Come and hear Dr. Sean McDonough during the last of our lectures on Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 pm in the Meetinghouse Chapel. 

Maundy Thursday

Join us for our worship service at 7: 00pm on Thursday, April 17 as Pastor Kevin Baird preaches on Jesus is the Servant.

Good Friday

Our Good Friday service is on April 18 at 1:00 pm. Come and hear from Ray Unang, Jean Chan, Oli VanRuth as they speak on Jesus is the Sacrifice.

Easter Sunday

Wake up early with Miko Pasimio for our Sunrise Service at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in the parking lot at 5:45 am on April 20. Then join us at 10:00 am for our Easter Worship Service at the Gordon College Chapel.