"It’s impossible to lack creativity while standing in the presence  of the Creator...to write, to draw, to build, to sing and to dance for something and someone bigger than ourselves." - Mark Romero


The God we worship is a Creator God. Our creative endeavors can reflect his creativity, deepen our understanding of faith, and together reveal a broader picture of the church.

We are always looking for more people who are eager to share their skills and abilities in various artistic disciplines. Whether you are a writer, painter, musician, or builder we are eager to get you involved. To inquire about our different projects in the arts or to feature your artwork in our church, please email Pastor Kevin Baird here.

Join us Monday, May 20 at 7:00 pm at the Post in Hamilton. Dr. Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger, Professor of English at Gordon College will share on What’s In A Metaphor? The language we use when we talk about God